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Los Santos Police Department (LSPD)

Bren  | Chief of LSPD | 1101

Dawayne | Assistant Chief of LSPD | 1102

San Andreas State Police (SASP)

Anderson | Commissioner of SASP | A-01

Berry | Asst. Commissioner of SASP | A-02

Blaine County Sheriff's Office (BCSO)

J. Patton| Sheriff of BCSO | S-01

Under-Sheriff | Open



Mission Statement:

It is the mission of the Los Santos Police Department to safeguard the lives and property of the people we serve, to reduce the incidence and fear of crime, and to enhance public safety while working with diverse communities to improve their quality of life. Our mandate is to do so with honor and integrity, while at all times conducting ourselves with the highest ethical standards to maintain public confidence.
Our History

The Los Santos Police Department was founded in 1859 with the intent to heighten the sense of public safety among the civilians of the developing city.

Expectations & Values:

The Los Santos Police Department maintains high standards accompanied by rigorous evaluations of individual and team performances. As such, we believe it to be imperative to maintain a set of expectations and values that all of our Officers should take to heart and demonstrate in their day-to-day duties.
At the LSPD, we expect Officers to demonstrate.

Patience | Officers should demonstrate patience with civilians and other law enforcement officers alike, regardless of their skill level, rank, or status.
Honesty | Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom. An Officer should be honest. If you see something, say something. If you do something, acknowledge it and own it.

Integrity | If honesty is the first chapter, integrity is the second. The right choice isn’t always the easiest choice, but LSPD Officers are here to make the tough decisions that others simply cannot.

Valor | Be brave for those who aren’t. Be strong for those who can’t. Be there for those who need you.

In accordance with Federal & City Laws, the LSPD does not maintain a minimum time requirement nor permanent commitment. We understand that life can happen. All we ask is that if you will be away from the city for a period of time greater than two weeks you contact a supervisor or higher to advise them that you will be on a vacation, or leave of absence – this requirement becomes more strictly enforced the higher up the chain of command you are.


Rank Structure:

  • Chief of Police

  • Asst. Chief

  • Deputy Chief

  • Chief of Divisions

  • Major

  • Captain - High Command

  • Lieutenant

  • Sergeant - Supervisor

  • Corporal

  • Police Officer III

  • Police Officer II

  • Police Officer I

  • Cadet


Bren | Chief of LSPD | 1101   

  • Gang Intelligence Unit (GIU)

  • K9 | Narcotics

  • SWAT

  • Detective




Our Mission:

The mission of the San Andreas State Police is to keep the peace in our state, reduce the fear of crime, and eliminate crime when it falls among our diverse communities. State Police is to serve the state as a whole and to provide support to other local agencies. State Police take a primary on most situations.


Our Vision:

Through unwavering professionalism and loyal adherence to our core values, the San Andreas State Police will be a leader in public safety. We will advance our profession as we safeguard life and property throughout San Andreas.


Core Values:

Deep within the strength of the San Andreas State Police are three core values.

  • Honor - The essence of a person's veritable integrity is based on the representation of moral character and ethical actions.

  • Duty - Dedication of moral commitment to a mission that involves the sacrifice of immediate self-interest for the betterment of public safety in San Andreas.

  • Respect - Conduct in accordance with honorable actions that reflect the highest regard for mission, self, and others.


Rank Structure:

  • Commissioner

  • Asst. Commissioner

  • Deputy Commissioner

  • Chief of Divisions

  • Major

  • Captain - High Command

  • Lieutenant

  • Sergeant - Supervisor

  • Corporal

  • Trooper 3

  • Trooper 2

  • Trooper 1

  • Cadet



Anderson | Commissioner of SASP | A-01

  • Aviation

  • Traffic Enforcement Unit (TEU)

  • Quick Response Force (QRF)

  • K9 | Narcotics





A)​ Purpose:
        a) The purpose of the Blaine County Sheriff’s Office is to create a sense of peace and safety within Blaine County, while also creating a Laid back yet serious environment for its deputies. This document was created to outline the office's structure, within Rank, Uniformity, and discipline.
B) Oath of Office:
        a) All officers shall take an “Oath of Office” prior to assuming sworn status or when receiving a promotion to a higher sworn rank. Sworn personnel
            will abide by the “Oath of Office.” The “Oath of Office” is a pledge to uphold the Laws of San Andreas
C) Code of Ethics:
        a) All Department employees must be fully aware of the ethical responsibilities of their position and must strive constantly to live up to the highest possible standards of professional policing. Consequently, the Department shall adopt a Code of Ethics as a guideline for the performance of its duties.
                      i) All sworn and civilian employees shall receive instruction on the Department “Code of Ethics”, at a minimum, biennially.
                      ii) “Code of Ethics” review can be in the form of classroom, shift briefing, computer-based training, or training bulletins.


Code of Ethics​:

As a member of the Blaine County Sheriff’s Office, my first duty is to serve the people of San Andreas. I will safeguard lives and property, and protect the innocent against deception, the weak against oppression or intimidation, and the peaceful against violence or disorder. Above all else, I shall respect the constitutional rights of all people to liberty, equality, and justice.

I will keep my private life unsullied as an example to all, maintain courageous calm in the face of danger, scorn, or ridicule, develop self-restraint, and be constantly mindful of the welfare of others. I will be honest in thought and deed in both my personal and official life, and I will be exemplary in obeying the laws of the land and the regulations of my Department. Whatever I see or hear of a confidential nature or that is confided to me in my official capacity will be kept confidential unless revelation is necessary for the performance of my duty.

I will never act officiously or permit personal feelings, prejudices, animosities, or friendships to influence my decisions. With no compromise for crime and with relentless prosecution of criminals, I will enforce the law courteously and appropriately without fear or favor, malice or ill will, never employing unnecessary force or violence, and never accepting gratuities.
I recognize the badge of my office as a symbol of public faith and accept it as a public trust to be held so long as I am true to the ethics of the police service. I will constantly strive to achieve these objectives and ideals, dedicating myself to my chosen profession… law enforcement.


Rank Structure:

  • Sheriff

  • Under-Sheriff

  • Asst. Sheriff

  • Chief of Division

  • Major

  • Captain - High Command

  • Lieutenant

  • Sergeant - Supervisor

  • Corporal

  • Dep. 3

  • Dep. 2

  • Dep. 1

  • Cadet


J. Patton | Sheriff of BCSO | S-01

  • CIU

  • K9 | Narcotics

  • SWAT

  • Traffic Enforcement Unit (TEU)





Signal 60 - Drugs

Signal 11 - Running Radar

Code Zero - Game Crash

Code 1 - Do so at your convenience - No lights

Code 2 - Lights, no sirens

Code 3 - Lights & Sirens

Code 4 - Under Control

Code 5 - Felony Stop / High Risk Stop


10-4 - Affirmative

10-5 - Meal Break

10-6 - Busy

10-7 - Out of Service

10-8 - In Service

10-9 - Repeat

10-10 - Fight in Progress

10-11 - Traffic Stop

10-12 - Active Ride Along

10-20 - Location

10-23 - Arrived at Location

10-41 - Starting Duty

10-42 - Ending Duty

10-51 - Requesting Tow Service

10-52 - Requesting EMS

10-54 - Prisoner Transport x(persons)

10-70 - Foot Pursuit

10-80 - Vehicle Pursuit

11-45 - Requesting Scene Cleanup (Staff / Supervisor)

11-45 - Requesting Admin / Government Official

Basic SOP

All Law Enforcement is required to follow basic server rules. Each Departments SOP will be similar but can vary. Familiarize yourself with your specific department's SOP.

  • Residential Speed Limit: 25MPH  | Code 3 Max: 60MPH

  • City Speed Limit: 55 MPH | Code 3 Max: 90 MPH

  • Freeway Speed Limit: 85 MPH | Code 3 Max: 120 MPH

  • Red Lights are treated as stop signs, you must come to a complete stop, make sure it's clear, then proceed.

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