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Server Rules

General Rules:


  • Age requirement: 18+ Our server uses the ESRB rating to guide the age requirements. GTA is rated M for Mature, players must be 18 years of age or older.

  • We are an English-speaking server, you must speak English and be able to understand it. It is an American server where English is the primary language.

  • You must have a working microphone.

  • You may only role play as a Law Enforcement officer if you are hired by one of the departments. You are required to ON use the vehicle/uniform of your rank and department.

  • EMS may not be kidnapped for any reason while they are ON DUTY AND IN UNIFORM.

  • At all times during role play, you must value your life and the lives of others. Your character is mortal and has one life. They should act according to their personality and mannerism when faced with a threat to their life.

  • Characters must dress appropriately for the weather, OR at least role-play the downsides of wearing inappropriate clothes.

  • You can not impersonate Officers/EMS - So do not use the clothing/ped models that are associated with emergency services. Stealing emergency vehicles without any RP involved falls under this category.

  • Admins/Mods disrespect: Staff will treat all players with respect and professionalism at all times. That being said, any type of staff disrespect is grounds for punishment.

  • When any situation is being reviewed, there is always more than one opinion used to reach a conclusion making it unbiased and fair. Additionally, staff will take action on any rule break without a player report. They are allowed to decide to take action over something not listed. Staff will have the final say in any situation. Read every rule carefully, understand them, and abide by them.

  • If you are not a staff, do not act like one. Changing your nickname/username to a member of staff, or acting like you are a member of the team to confuse people into believing you are strictly prohibited.

  • Discord names should include your characters name and badge number.


NO Power Gaming:


  • Players can not force another player into a situation that they cannot role-play out of. Example - "Empty out your bank account and give me all your money or force sell me your car".

  • False arrest or anything unlawful is recorded by the server, your superior officer will see the facts and you may be punished. This is considered power gaming.


NO Fail RP:


  • Actions that are unrealistic or promote poor-quality role play are considered Fail RP.

  • Non-offroad vehicles may not drive up mountains or steep hills.

  • Running Code 2 or 3 without an actual emergency or call.


NO Offensive Roleplay:


  • We do not tolerate any form of terror, racism (including racist language) sexism (including sexist language), sexual harassment, or rape role play.


Criminal Activity:


  • Robberies should be conducted in a realistic manner with reasonable in-character motives using secluded areas. Players should not conduct minor robberies in situations with high risk. Desert or forest areas are considered secluded but witnesses should still be concerned.

  • Players may not use a designated job vehicle for any type of illegal activity.


Federal Government--ADMIN

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